How to Layoff an Employee Gracefully During the Crisis in the Tourism Industry in 2025

Due to the crisis, many employees will have to be moved to remote work. Some companies are forced to reduce staff, others are hastily looking for new workers. It is as important to know how to layoff an employee as it is to formalize an employment relationship. You need to get an application from an employee, issue a dismissal order and give him or her the money on time. It is always better for the employer to negotiate with the employee his or her dismissal.

Employee layoff in the conditions of Coronavirus

Let’s figure out how to properly accept and layoff employees in the conditions of COVID-19 and how to maintain a fighting spirit in your specialists.

  • Check all existing legislation. You should pay special attention to all decrees and regulations of the Government of the country in order to understand what is currently legal and what is not, what can be invoked in the layoff of an employee, to which paragraphs of the current law. For each country there are nuances and exceptions.
  • Think about rebuilding your business. If you have to dismiss an employee during a crisis in your country or the world, consider whether there is any chance of moving your employee to a partial payment or another position. There are few good workers, unfortunately. If the employee has already earned respect in the company, he or she already has a certain level of reputation and especially if he or she is the core of your company, think twice. Believe me, such people shouldn’t be lost, so try to find some alternative and come to a more loyal and mutually beneficial decision than dismissal.
  • Plan a conversation. Try to be polite and not switch to personalities, do not raise the tone, clearly communicate all information. Model the situation, imagine yourself in the place of the person who is fired. When the employee is dismissed, the employer is obliged to explain the reasons for the dismissal. You can do this at this stage after the employee has calmed down and is ready to listen to you.
  • Disclose the financial position. If you have the slightest opportunity to help with any aspect of the employee’s life activity, be sure to try to help. Perhaps it won’t even cost you money and you’ll be able to help in some other way by keeping the employee loyalty.
  • See it through. This paragraph is particularly relevant to crisis situations. Make a short, clear plan and follow it. Unless you cut staff, your company will likely not be destined to survive. Do everything as politely as possible, but quickly, because things can drag on indefinitely and get worse every day. If there is an opportunity not to reduce anyone, be sure to take advantage of this chance.

Successful Layoff Rules During the Crisis 2025

Break up in good relations because no one knows how it will turn in the future:

  • The employee rolled through and can return to the company.
  • You can go to another company yourself and find a previously retired employee in a leadership position (he or she can even be your boss).

In relation to other subordinates, you need to be predictable and consistent, so explain why you had to fire a person. This needs to be done necessarily so that your employees clearly understand what is expected of them, and that there are no unnecessary conversations behind their backs. Try to make all your decisions as open as possible, try to explain your actions.

Use the three «Not» rules for a less painful layoff:

  • Do not respond to aggression.
  • Do not show active sympathy.
  • Do not reproach with anything.

If necessary, you can use these additional mitigation rules:

  • Thank the worker when issuing the documents. Say a good word and wish a luck.
  • Sometimes it is appropriate to arrange a farewell lunch, to give a present or to prepare a good recommendation.
  • If you have an opportunity to recommend the former subordinate to clients/business partners as a valuable employee, do it.

Despite the abundance of ways of how to layoff the employee, the best is a resignation. Try to do everything possible to terminate the employment contract on this basis, regardless of whether there is a conflict with the employee or not. For you, the main thing is to avoid trials that add unnecessary costs. In addition, there is a possibility that you will be forced to reinstate the staff member during the trials. It is better not to bring dismissal to them and to resolve the situation peacefully.

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