Our Airbnb Profile SolutionsIn Property Management - from CHM LLC

Airbnb Listing Analysis

The package includes:

  • Determining the property’s major selling points
  • Analyzing photos for a selling points, correct order, impact on customers
  • Checking current listing’s position both in Airbnb and Google search results
  • Analyzing titles and descriptions for efficiency in terms of SEO and major selling points
  • Analyzing Airbnb listing’s statistics
  • Checking the Cancellation policy, House rules
  • Checking important listing settings (Max/min stay, Location point etc.)
  • Providing general recommendations based on all the above checks and analyses
  • And our secret sauce – the checklist with the most important listing’s metrics for further self-monitoring of the listing
From $199 / listing

Listing Optimization

The package includes:

  • Airbnb listing analysis
  • Detailed recommendations for listing photos
  • Developing a list of activities to increase listing position in airbnb and google searches
  • Detailed recommendations for improving the title and description in terms of SEO and selling points
  • Detailed recommendations for the Cancellation policy, House rules
  • Detailed recommendations for the listing settings (Max/min stay, Location point etc.)
From $299 / listing

Airbnb Profile Setup

The package includes:

  • Airbnb listing analysis (for 1 listing)
  • Listing full setup based on previous analysis, including title and description creation
  • Perfect photo selection and ordering (photoshoots are not included)
  • Setup all the profile data from scratch and in the right consequence
  • Setup basic communication templates
  • Identification of competitors and their analysis
  • Defining competitive advantages and focusing on them in listing descriptions, titles, photos
  • Pricing recommendations, taking into account seasonal fluctuations to maximize property occupancy
  • Creating a clear strategy for becoming an Airbnb SuperHost
From $699 / profile

Airbnb Chat Templates

The package includes:

  • Setup Airbnb Quick Replies Templates – answers to the most frequently asked questions. This can make inbox management more efficient and help you provide an excellent guest experience.
  • We will provide you with proven and effective communication templates pack that we use ourselves based on our years of experience as SuperHost for 26 times.
  • Our templates pack cover all the typical guest questions: house rule, activities, wifi passwords, directions, best places to eat, where to go, transportation and more.
  • Moreover, we will setup for you a full pack of Scheduled Messages to stay in touch with guests at key moments, like after their booking is confirmed or before check-in.
  • In fact, we will pass on to you our years of experience in communicating with customers

Our Unique Approach

75% of saved time
30% more efficiency
Quality control
Full guidance
Positive feedbacks

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Why Choose Our Airbnb Solutions

  • Property owners rank CHM LLC number one in the Dominican Republic because of its exceptional rental marketing expertise and five-star guest services. We are deeply knowledgeable about short-term vacation rentals and employ diverse marketing techniques to boost bookings and promote listings, regardless of how competitive the locations of the rental properties are.
  • CHM LLC has vast experience in Airbnb property management as well as the real estate industry. We are 24 times Airbnb super hosts that managed more than 10000 reservations. We boast of the highest occupancy rate of rented properties in the Dominican Republic. CHM LLC does all the hard work of finding the right tenants for your home, setting rental rates, marketing, and handling communication with guests.
  • We take away the stress and headaches of self-managing your properties and guarantee increased rental income. The best of it all is that we do all these at a reasonable management fee.
Bavaro Penthouse under CHM managementBavaro Penthouse under CHM management

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